Python Package for NLP++

The first version of our NLPPlus python package is ready to use. We are still waiting on approval of the package on the python package website, but it is available as a download from our GitHub.

The NLPPlus python package for NLP++ allows Python programmers to call NLP++ analyzers for common elements like emails, urls, telephone numbers, and a full English Parser.

The biggest difference the NLPPlus package and all other NLP packages is that the NLP analyzers that are called by the Python programmer, is 100% modifiable using the VSCode NLP++ Language Extension.

Python Package Analyzers

We are also currently working on NLP++ analyzers that will be available for the NLPPlus package for Python. They will be released in conjunction with the NLPPlus package.

GitHub Repository

VisualText/py-package-nlpengine: Python package for the NLP Engine (
