Online Dictionary Creation Tool

Coming 2024

This is an exciting project that is currently being implemented. Expected first version release data in 2024.


The dictionary tool is a web-based tool that will allow for quick creation of dictionaries in any language. Given there are few linguistic dictionaries available online for even major languages like Chinese, Tamil, or Portuguese, this tool will allow humans to quickly tag words and phrases using a browser.

The user enters text or chooses a text to analyze, and the tool will find the words that are currently not in the dictionary. The user than can add features by using one-letter keystrokes or type in a value. Each dictionary builder will have different characteristics. When the word is added, it is sent to the database on the server and the visual display of the dictionary will be update.

Users will be able to click on any word and see the current attributes and edit those if needed.

Fast, Crowd Dictionary Creation

This tool will allow for the crowd creation of dictionaries from anyone around the world online at any time. Given dictionaries can have hundreds of thousands or even millions of words, this allows for using

Feed into NLP++

The dictionaries in the database will have the ability to generate dictionaries (*.dict files) for VisualText and NLP++. This will allow for true natural language understanding systems to be built in any language.

Help Us!

We will be having monthly dictionary building meetings which you will find on this website in our calendar. Anyone is invited to help! Please contact us at if you are interested in helping our in our global dictionary imitative.

Concept Layout

This is a conceptual layout of the online dictionary creation tool. Here is a recording of a live demo of the tool itself that is almost complete:
