Dheemonth Kodali

Dheemonth is from Karnataka, India. He is pursuing his 3rd year in Computer Science and Engineering (B.E) at R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore. He is an enthusiast for extending friendships and acquiring new skills to increase his social network. He also like travel and adventure are a part of his life. 

HPCC Internship Project

The goal of Dheemonth’s project was to perform sentiment analysis in English using the HPCC Systems NLP++ plugin. To this aim, Dheemonth collected a large number of tweets from a national cricket team in India and built an analyzer that allow identifying the emotion of the author of the tweet. Find out more about Dheemonth’s project by reading his blog journal or by watching below his presentation at the HPCC 2023 Community Day conference.

Video Presentation of Project

Here is a presentation by Dheemonth about his project:
