Nathalia Ribas

Nathalia Ribas is a Computer Engineering student at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil and currently an employee at LexisNexis Risk Brazil. She was introduced to HPCC Systems in 2021 when she had the opportunity to study the HPCC platform in the cloud along with Elastic Stack for her Undergraduate Research, being oriented by Alysson Oliveira and Hugo Watanuki. She participated in the 2022 HPCC Systems Poster Contest with the poster entitled: HPCC Systems Log Monitoring in the Cloud and won the Best Poster Community Choice Award.

Interest in Master’s Thesis Using NLP++

Nathalia’s passions lie in human languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean and computers. She is interested in doing a master’s thesis using NLP++ to persue her interest in natural language understanding. Nathalia has been exploring the differences and similaries between symbols in Asian languages and how people ultimately represent meaning in their thinking.
