
A Go-To for Natural Language Processing

I started using NLP++ as part of a research project in the clinical domain and it has quickly become a go-to for natural language processing. This extension provides a useful set of features and an intuitive interface that perfectly complement the utility of the NLP++ language. I highly recommend this extension (and the NLP++ language in general) to both novice programmers looking to get their feet wet in NLP as well as more experienced professionals seeking efficient alternatives to their current NLP workflow. Shout-out to David for all the work he has done to make this extension great!

Ashton Williamson

Sentiment Analysis From Scratch

Always fun to learn a new language and it’s even great adventure when you do something for Natural Language Processing. NLP++ showed me a new way toward NLP with its human based approach from traditional approach. Any bugs or queries are easily removed and clarified from the creators of the language, David de Hilster and his team. I was able to use sentiment analysis from scratch through NLP++ and it worked out absolutely great. Even you should try it, go for it.


Best Programming Language for Natural Language

NLP++ is a powerful programming language. It is hands-down best programming language for Natural Language. I would highly recommend it. I used NLP++ to create a Resume Analyzer and it was extremely helpful. I was able to add new features/rules and modify them easily. I was able to really extract the useful information using NLP++. The Knowledge Base is an amazing feature only available in NLP++. NLP++ is a spectacular language!

Charvi Dave

First Choice for Determining Meaning

Having looked at literally dozens of possible solutions in the past NLP++ was by far the best for delving into the deep structures of language and meaning. It’s ability to build knowledge about contextualization was, and remains, my first choice for tackling analysis where determining the meaning and intent implied in text is critical.

Keith Woods-Holder

A Powerful Programming Language

NLP++ is a very powerful programming language. Nepali is one of the complicated languages but it is very impressive to see that NLP++ can recognize Nepali texts and parse them correctly. I developed an analyzer that parses Nepali texts into a syntactic tree correctly. Another impressive aspect of this language is that we can develop a knowledge base using this language. It is open source and has complete help documentation available. To do natural language processing in any language, I think this is the best programming language I have ever used!

Ananya Gupta

Can be Used for Absolutely any NLP Project

NLP++ is a really user-friendly and versatile programming language. Getting started with it is a little slow as it is very different from traditional programming and you have to change the way you approach a problem – by thinking exactly like a human (and this is the one and only rule in NLP++). But once you get the hang of it, it becomes really nice and addictive to work with. It can be used for absolutely any NLP project and I had a really great time working with it.

Kruthica P

Natural Language Understanding Global Initiative

The Natural Language Understanding Global Initiative (NLUGI) has the goal of creating linguistic knowledge, world knowledge, and digital human readers for all major human languages using the open-source natural language development environment (NLDE) NLP++, VisualText, and the Conceptual Grammar.

Next Revolution in Human Langauge

This effort represents the 5th revolution in human language: the migration of knowledge and the use of that knowledge by computers.


  • To reintroduce engineered Natural Language Understanding systems back into universities and industry.
  • To build the foundation to create trustworthy digital human readers that are equal or better than humans at understanding text for specific tasks.


  • Linguistic and world knowledge must be given to computers since symbol and word meaning is arbitrary and cannot be found statistically.
  • Intelligent programs must understand text the same way as humans.
  • Digital Human Readers must be 100% code and their outputs 100% explainable to be trusted.
  • A common computing language like NLP++ is essential for the success of the NLU Global Initiative.

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Regex for NLP

Regex is ubiquitous in the programming world because of its usefulness as a rule-based text parsing language. Programmers find comfort in the idea of writing explicit, modifiable rules in order to parse text. This is in contrast with black-box statistical models, which cannot be modified when things go wrong – […]


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NLP++ and LLM

Trustworthy NLP systems must be rule and knowledge based given all statistical systems like large language models, machine learning, and neural networks are not. With the advent of large language models that can be queried about common knowledge, it is natural to use them to generate linguistic and world knowledge […]


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Guilherme Santos da Silva

Guilherme Santos da Silva has a degree in Computer Engineering from the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Brazil and is currently an employee of LexisNexis Risk Brazil. He discovered HPCC Systems in 2021 when he joined LexisNexis as an intern and participated in the 2021 HPCC Systems Poster Contest with […]


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Python Package for NLP++

The first version of our NLPPlus python package is ready to use. We are still waiting on approval of the package on the python package website, but it is available as a download from our GitHub. https://github.com/VisualText/py-package-nlpengine The NLPPlus python package for NLP++ allows Python programmers to call NLP++ analyzers […]


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Portuguese Dictionary

The first steps in creating a portuguese dictionary has been started and can be found in the GitHub repository: http://github.com/VisualText/dict-pt-br. This was started by NLP++ co-author David de Hilster given he is fluent in Portuguese and that no digital dictionary for portuguese is available. Video Sessions This is a video […]


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English Dictionary

This project involves parsing the Wiktionary pages for English into the most comprehensive digital dictionary ever created. The first two stages of this project have been done via grants to RV College of Engineering from LexisNexis Risk’s HPCC Systems group. In Progress This project is still in progress. Project Description […]


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Dr. Jyoti Shetty

Dr. Jyoti Shetty is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the RV College of Engineering. In collaboration with students, she has executed several projects on HPCC Systems, including implementing a distributed DBSCAN, providing evaluation metrics for a clustering algorithm, and IoT plugin for HPCC Systems, an OpenCV […]


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NLP Course Using NLP++

One of the more important projects we are currently working on is the creation of high school and college-level courses on NLP using NLP++. NLP courses at universities almost exclusively concentrate on statistical methods like Machine Learning, Neural Networks, and Large Language Models. NLP courses that do not use statistical […]


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