To download and experiment with the demo analyzers on the NLP Fix webpage, watch this video or follow the directions below.
Follow these steps to download and play with the NLP Fix demo analyzers.
IMPORTANT: It is very important to copy these analyzer files to a safe folder on your computer. If you do not, your files and their edits will be overwritten when the analyzer files are automatically updated in the future.
- Open VSCode
- Install the NLP++ language extension (type in “nlp”) in the extensions list
- Click on the NLP++ icon on the left
- Open up the horizontal panel at the bottom and click on the VisualText tab
- Click on the cog wheel in the Analyzer tab. This will reload VSCode to the demo analyzers folder.
- Right Click on “nlpfix-analyzers” in the Analyzer folder and choose “Edit this folder with VisualText”. VSCode will reload again.
- Click on the three dots “…” in the analyzer tab and click on “Copy All the Analyzers to Analyzer Folder”
- Choose your own folder in a safe place on your computer
- Click on “Files” and “Open Folder” in the top left of VSCode and select your new folder where the analyzers were copied.
- Click on the NLP++ icon on the left and open the horizontal panel and click on the “VisualText” tab
- You are ready to play and edit without worry of being overwritten.